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Important Sites
Sight Reading Factory
Do you want to read music like you read a book? It's called "sight reading" in music. This is a great site to help you learn to sight read music better.
Free Online Metronome
Always practice with a metronome!
Music Dictionary
If you don't know what that musical word means, look it up here.
Music Theory
Fundamentals of how music works can be found here along with online practice drills.
Ear Training
For the advanced listener - learn how to identify intervals and harmonies. It is highly recommended that you visit the Music Theory site listed above first.
Music History
The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra led by Conductor Michael Tilson Thomas explores the life and music of GREAT classical composers.
Band Music and Sheet Music
JW Pepper - This is a great sheet music dealer. If you need to purchase music for solo and ensemble, you can do so here.
Barnhouse - Band Reprtoire Provider
Dorn Publications - Another sheet music dealer
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